Call to Action that Converts

Call to Action that Converts Pepper Virtual Assistants Philippines
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Every website you see has a puny but powerful button that contains a call to action (CTA). It has a short statement that entices you to do something. It could be a newsletter sign up, purchase or simply another step to complete a process. You may not even notice it on your own business website but these CTA buttons can show you valuable data about your site’s traffic and engagement. Having said that, it’s important that your calls to action convert, meaning it should make your visitor complete the action you’re asking them to do.

There are many factors involved in creating a compelling CTA. From copy to colors, every space in that teeny tiny button matters. Today, we’ll look at some of the tweaks and tips you can apply to make your sure that you have all the ingredients to an inviting CTA.

Make them own the action. Your copy should be personal. Gone are the days when you can get by with “Sign up now” or “Learn More.” You need to let your visitors want what they’re doing by writing your copy in the first person. In a series of tests done by Michael Aagard of Content Verve, he showed how changing “Start YOUR free 30-day trial” to “Start MY free 30-day trial” resulted in a 90% increase in clickthrough rate (CTR). Wouldn’t you want to see that result on your site?

Color changes everything. The color of your CTA button needs to grab the attention of your readers. It should be attractive but not glaring. The best colors to use are green, orange/red, and blue. Unbounce believes that BOB or the big orange button is the future of CTAs. Blue and green communicate trust and confidence. Chris Goward of Wider Funnel ran some tests which showed that green is the runaway winner as the best CTA color. On the other hand, you need to stay away from gray because it usually implies that something is unclickable.

Isolate the action. If you want your visitors to do one thing then don’t crowd the page with multiple CTA buttons. If you want them to “check out” then that should be the only call to action they should see. Put your newsletter sign up on another page. The “Paradox of Choice” states that when one is given multiple options, the person ends up not choosing at all. The fewer choices, the better and easier it is for your visitor.

Use multiple copies. This can be done in two ways. One is by adding triggers beside your CTA button. These are guarantees that complement your main CTA copy. Some examples would be money-back guarantees, client testimonials, security seals, free shipping, and other value proposition. Another way to do it is by adding a sub-copy underneath the actual button. For example, tested their buttons by adding another copy and a contrasting color. It resulted in a whopping 95% increase in CTR. If you want them to “Download the ebook” add an enticing teaser “Get loads of tips from industry experts!”

Every part of your website is important. These call to action buttons are no doubt one of the most vital elements in your site. You need to communicate the right message in that small space and ensure that when your visitor clicks on it, they will immediately see the benefits. You only have a few seconds and a handful of characters to convince your reader to act. Start looking at your CTA buttons and see how you can improve them. Those little changes may translate to big leaps in click-through rates and site traffic.

About Pepper Social Media

Pepper Social Media is an online marketing firm that specializes in social media management, content marketing, SEO, PPC, social media marketing, copywriting, and targeted blogging. Our creative team consists of experienced marketing strategists who can fortify your brand identity and amplify your reach.



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